FACE viðurkennir Bogveiði á sama hátt og skotveiði, var vitað fyrir en ekki komin formleg staðfesting á því frá FACE. Segja að það sé ekkert sem bannar bogveiði í þeim alþjóðlegum sáttmálum eins og The 6th Annex in the “Habitat Directive 92/43/EEC” og The European Charter on Hunting and Biodiversity sem flest öll lönd Evrópu eru aðilar, Ísland er þar á meðal og er notað til viðmiðunar um lög og reglugerðir í hverju landi fyrir sig. Í dag liggur fyrir að fleiri lönd leyfa bogveiði en sem banna bogveiði og enn fleiri eru í ferli með að leyfa bogveiði á næstu misserum.
Hunting is one of the oldest forms of consumptive use of natural resources and has always been an integral part of the cultures and traditions of European society. Sustainably managed hunting contributes to the conservation of biodiversity, the preservation of rural lifestyles and local economies.
Hunting with bow and arrow goes back tens of thousands of years and forms part of a common culture and history. After the invention of powder and firearms some of our ancestors kept on using bows and arrows as a means of hunting. Bow hunting became nonetheless less frequently practiced since the invention of firearms until its revival thanks to some evolutions in the last century. Consequently, bow hunting became more popular and is being practised in a growing number of countries. This encourages more hunters to try out a bow and convinces an increasing number of them.
FACE recognises any legal and sustainable form of hunting which contributes to wildlife management. The 6th Annex in the “Habitat Directive 92/43/EEC” does not forbid any member state to allow the use of bow and arrow to hunt game. The European Charter on Hunting and Biodiversity and FACE recognise therefore bow hunting as a hunting method that fulfils all these conditions. Within FACE bow hunters are represented by theEuropean Bowhunting Federation (EBF) which is an Associate Member of FACE. FACE encourages people to try out bow hunting and defends the rights of bow hunters in a positive and pro-active way ed-danmark.com.
FACE regards bow hunting as an equivalent alternative to hunting with firearms with its own characteristics. Hunting with a firearm or a bow are placed on the same level as they comply with the two factors that enable a responsible shot. They are accurate and possess enough energy to take a lethal shot contrary to the prejudice of what some people still believe.
FACE recognises that in a strongly changed rural and urban landscape where some animals adapt with ease to suburban living conditions, bows can form a safe alternative to regulate these species which cause danger to people and the environment through damages to the habitat, crops or the spreading of diseases.
Furthermore, FACE understands as all forms and methods of hunting, bow hunting can be captivating. Where firearms give you the advantage to shoot over a much longer range, the bow restricts you to a much shorter distance. This demands a stealthy approach where the natural elements play a bigger role. It is this aspect of bow hunting that awakes the passion of some hunters or makes non-hunters decide to take up bow hunting.
Ultimately for FACE it is important that hunters be, it with bow or firearms, know and respect the limitations of the equipment they use and even more important of their own limitations to offer a safe and clean shot. FACE endorses the act of sustainable hunting and wildlife management.
EBF – the European Bowhunting Federation is member of FACE – www.europeanbowhunting.org